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Archive for the ‘Intervju’ Category

Intervju med Robert i textform

lördag, december 25th, 2010

Här får ni en gammal intervju med Robert – tycker bara det är kul att läsa istället ibland :) Tycker den här intervjun är riktigt roligt! Den är från..2009(letterman show) om jag inte har fel. Hoppas ni vill att jag publicerar såna ibland :)

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Robert Pattinson doesn’t seem to mind that fans go for pure vampire cliche and ask him to bite them. He isn’t moody vampire Edward Cullen in real life, but the ”New Moon” star is still willing to oblige them.

”There are some mothers, and then also there are a couple more guys from this sequel,” he said on ”The Late Show with David Letterman” on Wednesday night. ”There was a guy, maybe a 230-pound guy who was at the premiere, kind of maybe Hispanic looking, and he was asking me to bite him as well.

”And so I did, and the surprising thing was, I kind of liked it afterwards,” Pattinson joked. ”And I’ve been out to dinner with him a couple of times.”

When Letterman raised concerns about the health risks of biting strangers, Pattinson said he only does it if he’s getting something out of it too. ”Well, it depends on your mood, really,” he laughed. ”And it depends on what you want to get out of it in the end. There’s different variations of biting.”

Pattinson went on to explain how he ended up chomping on a small child. ”That was before anyone had asked me to bite them at all. I just thought it was hilarious that someone had handed me this child to do whatever I wanted  with,” he said. ”Initially, I just thought they were giving it to me. And somehow I ended up biting the baby on the head, and there was a photo of it afterwards.”

Letterman then changed gears for a minute to ask Pattinson to confirm that he’s dating Kristen Stewart. ”I’ve been so, kind of, cryptically avoiding this question throughout the entire press tour …,” Pattinson trailed off uncomfortably.

”Oh, bite me,” Letterman interrupted. ”What do I care?”

Rolig intervju med Kristen, Rob & Catherine!

söndag, november 14th, 2010

Jag bara älskar den här intervjun – så jävla härlig! Miss this days…

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via youtube

Kristen – Jay Leno backstage intervju

onsdag, oktober 13th, 2010

Är hon inte söt? Nån som också undrar vem som ”tvingar” henne att ha klackskor? Men herregud,jag älskar ju hennes avslappnade stil. Hennes sneakers är ju så häftiga!

Blir lite sur…

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Se repris på Oprah-intervjun

söndag, oktober 10th, 2010

Ni har säkert sett Oprah intervjun på nätet men imorgon kl: 13.05-14.00 kan ni se på den igen(alla ni som kan) på TV3, allting är mycket roligare och mysigare att se på TV.

Intervjun är med Dakoda,Kristen,Taylor och Robert!



Kristen hos Jay

lördag, oktober 9th, 2010

Kristen Stewart var igår hos Jay Leno i hans show. Här är intervjun, då de bland annat snackar mycket om Welcome to the Rileys:
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Hon är så fin, och jag älskar hennes hår!

Lizzy Pattinson:Robert har inga rädslor

lördag, september 25th, 2010

Äntligen finns det en liten intervju med Robert’s syster Lizzy Pattinson! Hon berättar att Robert inte är rädd för någon eller någonting när hon får frågan ”Var han någonsin rädd för någonting?”.Älskar hennes brittiska dialekt,hoppas varken hon eller Robert tappar bort den^^

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Intervju med Ashley Greene!

måndag, september 20th, 2010

Jättebra intervju med Ashley greene från New York Fashion Week som hon var på precis efter the VMA’S.Hon pratar bl.a om Breaking Dawn och lite om vad som hände på VMA’S i år.

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via twifans

Intervju med Kristen!

fredag, september 3rd, 2010
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Den här intervjun har funnits i nästan 2 månader.

Men det är en bra intervju, jag tycker att Kristen är väldigt jordnära plus att hon är rolig i intervjuer.


Intervju med Melissa Rosenberg!

tisdag, augusti 31st, 2010

Hon pratar för det mesta om Breaking Dawn! Det här kvinnan kan inte misslyckas,hon är otroligt duktigt.Kan knappt förstå att hon snart har skrivit färdigt BD manuset.

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via       //Rosa

Intervju med Kristen,Robert och Taylor :)

tisdag, augusti 10th, 2010
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De pratar om äktenskap,obekväma kyssar och lite annat :)


Intervju med Robert & Taylor!

tisdag, augusti 10th, 2010

 Robert Pattinson – ”There’s no rivalry with Taylor!I’m not competitive as a person.That’s not really me…”

Taylor Lautner – ”I love action movies – but i don’t want to become just an action hero.”

(Klicka på bilden för att läsa intervjun)



Intervju med Jackson Rathbone!

måndag, augusti 9th, 2010


You’ve sure got a going on.How do you manage it all?

Jackson – ”Well,that’s the one thing i have in commen with my Twilight character Jasper.I just never sleep”.

About Robert Pattinson – ”Rob is an incredible song-writer.And he plays piano and guitar”.

(Klicka på bilden för att läsa hela intervjun)

Tror ni Jackson inte sover alls? Han även sagt att han är ”nattmänniska” men att sova inte alls är ju omöjligt^^ men och det är sant skulle jag också vilja ha den gåvan ; )


TCA intervju

måndag, augusti 9th, 2010
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Röd mattan intervju med Ashely Greene :)


Roligt med Kris,Rob & Tay!

söndag, augusti 8th, 2010

 Här kommer jätte roliga ”intervjuer” med Kristen Stewart,Robert Pattinson och Kristen Stewart =) De får frågor och de får välja antingen eller under 60 sekunder.

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Rolig intervju med Robert!

fredag, augusti 6th, 2010

Den här intervjun är en av mina favorit med Robert,hans intervjuer blir bara aldrig tråkiga.Han är såå rolig,kunde inte sluta skratta igenom hela intervjun med Ellen.Robert pratar bl.a om sitt hår,förhållanden och det roligaste om sin bilkörning!

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Intervjun är från 2008.


Robert’s intervju med brittiska glamour

tisdag, augusti 3rd, 2010


(bilden är inte från intervjun)

Robert pratar bl.a om sin karaktär Tylor i Remember Me och sitt kändiskap! Great movie btw(Remember Me).


I Remember Me, fanns det vissa aspekter hos karaktären du kunde känna igen dig i? Han är ju en kille som gillar att ta saker i sina egna händer.
- Ja på många sätt, jag såg redan från början att han var ganska lik mig, och jag försökte liksom att anpassa mig ännu mer till rollen, men ju mer jag anpassade mig destomer blev det en fiktiv karaktär. Men ja, jag har sagt att det funnit flera stunder där, jag tror det i slutet på den ungdomen, där du tror att du måste vara en person så mycket och vill stämpla din identitet på allt du kommer över. Jag menar, när du kommer till 20 års åldern och du har börjat acceptera att du är en del av världen, och vill inte köra allt ifrån dig hela tiden, och jag var lite så när jag passerade 20.

Skulle du någonsin stå upp för dig själv till den punkten där du slåss mot mydigheterna, som din karaktär gjorde?

- Jag vet att det var en av huvudsakerna som gjorde att jag fastnade den, det finns vissa saker som liknar fantasi scener hos mig. Det var ganska tillfredsställande, även att se hur han kämpar. Det fanns överallt i manuset, där de stod att han kämpade på som en pitbull, och jag typ ”Ja jag vill kämpa som en pitbull”.

Hur gjorde du när det gällde Tylers relation till Caroline? Dom behöver som varandra, ellerhur?

- Jo, men det är som att på samma gång så är hon typ ”nyckeln” eller nåt. Det är inte som att dom träffas och förändra allt i deras liv eller nåt sånt. Den säger inte att människors liv förändras totalt, utan bara med ett par dagar av lycka eller ett par minuter kan bokstavligen vända hela ditt liv, och det gäller bara att vara medveten om det, att få dem att öppna ögonen lite mer.

Hur hanterar du kändisskapet?

- Jag försöker bara fortsätta med mitt arbete. Även för 10 år sen pratade Leonardo DiCaprio alltid om att bara kunna få ta en paus ifrån allt, men jag tror inte du kan göra det längre. Jag tror du behöver styra och utnyttja din kariär samtidigt, särskilt med en sak som Twilight, där de bokstavligen är en sån stor värld.

Gjorde alla fans det svårt att spela in Remember Me i New York?

- Fan situationen, helt ärligt, de var underbara. De skulle helt klart reagera om någon skulle säga ”Gå och vänta där borta eller nåt”, även om det fanns massor och massor av dem. Det var paparazzin som var otrolig. De var som schakaler.

På vilket sätt har ditt kändisskap förändrat saker för dig?

- Det har ändrats mer i Amerika. Jag har alltid trott att det skulle bli så här. Jag kom ut förra julen och det var liksom.. det var ganska lågmäldt igen och jag har alltid trott det skulle ha ändrats nu i London men det har det egentligen inte. Folk letar bara inte efter samma saker, men i Amerika så antar jag att det är annorlunda.


Robert och Kristen’s Harper’s Bazaar Intervju!

fredag, juli 30th, 2010

Hittade en jätterolig och söt intervju med Kristen Stewart och Robert pattinson från  Harper’s Bazaar magazine.Den är ganska gammal men jag har inte läst den förr!Skitrolig!

He says dancing makes him nervous. “I used to be really good, but then something happened in my brain.”

Who spends more time on their hair?
Kristen: “Rob.”

Rob: “I have weird personal-space issues, and so I can’t stand people — um, I’ll do anything to not have any touch-ups.”


Kristen: “Rob. In a very childish way, in every aspect of his life. He’ll literally start talking in a different voice if he’s won something. He sounds like a five-year-old.”

Rob: “I’d say it was even. She said me? Really? When I really win things, it’s just like…” [Kristen is correct: He makes a noise like a five-year-old.]


Kristen: “I’m definitely claiming that one. Rob can barely jump rope. I call him Flippy because when he does his stunt rehearsals, he flips around [makes a gesture like a penguin]. And, God, when he tries to run …”

Rob: “Kristen. You notice it in the film; she looks so much more athletic than I do. And I’m supposed to be the superhero.”


Kristen: “I’d have to say him. I hope he says him too actually. Like every time he looks in the mirror and he twists his hair. Actually, he could give a fuck about his hair. I hope that sarcasm translates.”

Rob: “It’s kind of a tie. We’re both pretty proud people. Her ego is more solid than mine, but mine has soared to such peaks, it’s ridiculous. Mine’s more erratic, but it can get to a point when it’s, like, godlike. Only in my eyes, of course. Sometimes just when I say hello the right way, I’m like, Whoa, I’m so cool.”

Who Googles themselves more?

Kristen: “Rob.”

Rob: “She would say me, but I reckon it’s her. If either one of us catches the other one doing it, we’re like, Jesus Christ, is that what you’re looking at? And the other one’s on their phone pretending to text. I look up my competition more than she does. I’m incredibly shallow. I think she just looks at herself.”

Who’s the better musician?

Kristen: “Rob. He’s a great singer. Heartbreaking.”

The most outgoing?

Rob: “I was once, but not so much anymore. Kristen’s a little more open now.”

Better sport?

Kristen: “Who can hang? Definitely me. He’s very sensitive. He’s got a fragile ego.”


Kristen: “Rob. He’s a little bit more paranoid, so that feeds into superstition more.”

Rob: “I am. I believe a lot in karma and stuff. Like when I end up with egg on my face, I’m like, Fate! I was born doomed. But I think it’s more being an idiot than superstitious.”

Things you didn’t know about Robert and Kristen -

Rob: On Driving

“My dad’s a car dealer, but I grew up in London, so I always say I don’t drive…I get driven. I got a driving lesson in Oregon, and then I bought a car in L.A. and I basically learned how to drive by people honking at me. I’m terrible at driving.”

Rob: On Anonymity
“I kind of wish people didn’t know who I am, that I could just lie, say I’m a speechwriter for Obama. This is what I said before Twilight. And then Obama came along and picked up all these young writers. I found out this guy, Jon Favreau — who’s not the actor Jon Favreau — is writing for him. And I was like, ‘Wow, I wonder if the people who thought I was bullshitting at the time are like, ‘Oh my god. That guy! That kid who was drunk in some bar actually wrote the health care bill!’”
Rob: On Money
“I don’t spend any money. The only thing I’ve really bought is my car, which cost $1,500 and keeps exploding. It would be nice to buy a house for my parents, but at the same time my parents are so comfortable where they live; they would probably just feel like it was a burden. I wear the same clothes every day and the only thing I used to splurge on was DVDs.”
Rob: On Modeling
“I peaked at 12. There are so many photos from that time where I look unbearably awkward. I’d just be looking in random directions and stuff.”
Kristen: On Cats vs. Dogs
If she could be an animal, she’d be a cat. “With cats, you’re like, ‘Come here!’ And they’re standing there being like, ‘Fuck you!‘”
Rob: On Laundry
“In London, doing the washing was a bi-annual thing, a giant mission. Me and my flatmate had BMX [bikes] and we’d have two of them and this massive laundry sack, a convoy.”
Kristen: On Menswear
“I think it’s sexy when chicks wear black slouchy trousers — fitted, but slouchy. I look at designer clothes on Rob and I’m like, ‘I want those pants, man.’”
Kristen: On Stature
“I’m 5’6″. I feel like I should be taller. I feel like I’m smaller than my mental stature. I should be 5’10″. 5’10″ would be very good.”
Kristen: On Acting
“Anything that I do for work, I’m nervous about. If I’m not nervous about it, then I shouldn’t be doing it.”
Kristen: On Baking
“I make really good pie. Apple pie — it’s the best.”

Best Of Twilight Unscripted

torsdag, juli 29th, 2010

Jag älskar ”intervjuerna” med Moviefone! Så här kommer de bästa och roligaste av dom.

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P.S glöm inte att skriva ett eller flera citater där under(favorit citater).Det kan vara nån ni bara gillar! 

Jag behöver några bra citater :D

Intervju med Kris

måndag, juli 19th, 2010

 Här kommer en jättebra intervju med Kristen från Tyskland då hon och Taylor var där för att promota för Eclipse.

Kristen pratar bl.a om rykten, vad är det roligaste/konstigaste hon har läst om sig själv?

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Intervju om Breaking Dawn *Spoilers*

lördag, juli 17th, 2010

Här kommer en jättebra intervju med Kristen,Robert,Taylor och Peter där de pratar Breaking Dawn.Kristen berättar också hur hon har tänkt sig Bellas bröllops dress.Intervjerna innehåller Spoliers så läs inte om ni inte har läst Så länge vi både andas.


In Breaking Dawn, what do you think Edward’s evolution will be?

Pattinson: I haven’t read it yet! I mean, it’s weird – I’m starting it a month after this job and it’s something I’m quite glad I haven’t read it yet. I didn’t intend to not read it until now, it’s quite exciting. I have no idea, I just heard brief rumors about what happens in the story but I don’t really know what happens at all

Your current haircut is shorter than Edward’s. How are you going to go about getting your long hair back for Breaking Dawn? I’m thinking maybe Edward got a haircut – it might be easier. I didn’t even think about that when I got it cut, that is a bit silly. Vampires can cut their hair though, so I like the idea of Edward having a shaved head in the last one. That [would be] pretty cool.


 How long have you known Breaking Dawn was going to be two films, and have you met with Bill Condon yet? Pattinson: I found out about Breaking Dawn when the press release came out! Bill Condon I met briefly a few weeks ago, kind of by accident just before the MTV Awards, in a bar (laughs). He seemed great. He seemed like a really really nice guy, I haven’t talked to him in detail about anything. But Gods and Monsters is an amazing movie. I think it’s going to be good. I don’t even know where they’re going to shoot it yet or anything.

Taylor Lautner: I do know it will be two, which I am extremely excited about. It is going to be great. Bill Condon is doing both. I it going to be awesome and I can’t wait to work with him.

Since Breaking Dawn will be two movies, do you if one movie will be from your perspective and one will be from Rob’s?


Do you have a clause in your contract saying you have to keep your shirt on? No clause (laughs). Whatever the book says is most likely what we are going to do.


Would you ever do another film where you have to go shirtless again? I mean really, it all comes down to character. If I love the character, I love the story, and the character requires me to be shirtless, or if it requires me to lose thirty pounds, I’m ready to do it.


How do you think you will prepare yourself for the unique, romantic aspects that you will find yourself in? I haven’t started thinking about it too much right now. We are focusing on Eclipse coming out. We are promoting that. Then after that I am focusing on Abduction. Then after that it will be Breaking Dawn. I’m sure as soon as we meet with Bill further down the road, we will go towards that, but that will be interesting.


Do you think the werewolves will go into a musical number? I think he actually already released a statement promising there would be no musical number in it (laughs). It is funny.


Kristen Stewart Yeah, totally – there are a million things. I mean every single time we watch one of the movies, especially when the cast watches it together, it’s always an incredibly frustrating experience. That’s why I’m glad that Breaking Dawn is going to be two movies, which I can finally say. So there’s going to be less of that, less of having to lose stuff. I know you want specific things but I’m trying to think of one now but I can’t.

Now that you’ve done three of these are there things that you wish had made into the movie from the book that didn’t?


How long have you known that Breaking Dawn was going to be two films, and how long will the shoot be? The shoot is going to be something like six months. We start in October. I think we’re not going to be finished until maybe March or something, maybe February. I clearly don’t really look at the schedule. I had to hold onto this forever. They’ve been talking about it for a really long time and we all definitely knew that it was going to be two movies forever now. It’s been really hard not to say that. We’re all really stoked on that.


Is there a scene that you particularly hope makes the movie? There are a million and we haven’t even shot it yet. I can’t wait to see [?] and I can’t wait to get married and have a kid. It’s all of that. It’s going to be crazy.


What designer would love to see design Bella’s wedding dress and if you could dream it up what would it look like?

Well, Stephenie [Meyer] is absolutely in charge of that. I’m sure she has really specific ideas. I haven’t really thought about it. But I feel like Bella would definitely want something like really classic and really simple, too but beautiful. I have no idea in terms of designers.

In an interview with Rob, he said in reference to Breaking Dawn that he wanted to make it rated R and stick to the book. Would you like to stick to the book and bring the rating up or do you think it should be toned down? I guess that everybody interprets those things differently. My guess is that it’ll be PG-13. I have no idea but I guess we’ll all see when it comes out.


Do you see an opportunity in Breaking Dawn, since it’s two films, to create two interpretations of Bella, pre-vampire and post-vampire? Yeah, actually. I really can’t wait to get into that because I’ve been on the outskirts of what it would feel like to play one of them. I had to think about it a lot considering that Bella is dating one of them very seriously. It’s been years of dealing with these issues and I’ve thought about it a lot and I can’t wait to actually be it. It’s going to be a trip. It’s going to be weird and I think she does change a lot. I think she’s going to be the coolest vampire out of all of them. She’s got the greatest power. She’s untouchable. Nothing can touch her and I think that literally she can protect the whole clan. She’s such a mother, too. I think it’ll be awesome to see how much she’s changed from Twilight where she’s this seventeen year old kid who really doesn’t care about whole lot other than herself. To see her become this matriarch will be really cool.


Peter Facinelli I’m looking forward to working with Bill Condon. He’s phenomenal. I’m looking forward to hearing what his thoughts are on the series and the movie. It’s cool because all these different directors have these different interpretations. You don’t get complacent and sit back and go, ”Ok. I know these characters.” They’re always asking you different questions and getting you to think deeper.

What are you most looking forward to doing when you start shooting Breaking Dawn?


Intervjuer från 2008-Kristen och Robert

lördag, juli 17th, 2010

 Hej kollade på ”gamla” intervjuer med Kristen Stewart och Robert Pattinson igår natt och hittade en  intervju  med Kristen från David letterman show,intervjun är från dagen innan Twilight hade premiär! Jag undrar vad Kristen skulle säga om nån sa att hon skulle bli så stor efter Twilight?Och hur stor twilight skulle bli! Undrar om hon skulle tro.Nu måste de alltid vara så ”vackra” och ha på sig fina designade kläder och vara  glada hela tiden.Kristen är fortfarande samma Kristen vilken är jättebra! hon har verkligen inte förendrats mycket.Nu skriker bara alla varje gång hon pratar och syns.


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Andra intervjun är med Robert Pattinson som var några dagar/veckor efter Twilight premiären.Där har de flesta sett Twilight så alla bara skriker och de älskar Rob och filmen.Han har inte förendrats mycket heller,det är bara deras livstil som har förendrats.Det är så interessant att kolla på gamla  intervjuer.


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Intervjuerna är från år 2008.

kristen stewarts intervju med 1live

fredag, juli 16th, 2010

Här kommer en intervju för er K.stew fans.Intervjun är från 1live-Tyskland.

Lägger ut en fin bild på Kris(bilden är inte från intervjun)         :D

In the third chapter of the Twilight saga: Eclipse, Kristen still plays Bella and is still very much in love with Robert Pattinson.
But their story off screen stays away from the sunlight, even though a golden ring on the third finger of her left hand says more than one thousand words.

Kristen Stewart is a girl with long thin legs and who hardly ever smiles. At just 20 she’s the most famous and desired girl on the planet thanks to the role of Bella Swan, the teenager in love with a vampire in the Twilight saga, the screenplay adaptation on the best sellers by Stephanie Mayer. The first two movies Twilight and New Moon made one billion dollars and the DVDs sold 14 million copies. The story is about a love triangle among a human, a vampire played by Robert Pattinson, and a warewolf played by Taylor Lautner, and the rumors of a never confirmed but not even denied relationship between Stewart and Pattinson. The actress, in Rome just for one day, met the fans (1.300 in the queue from the dawn) to promote the third movie of the saga, Eclipse, and spent the rest of the time in her hotel room. She admitted to be afraid of going around the city, but she could visit it in 2008, when she wasn’t so famous yet. And she made the hotel stuff freak out when she asked a Red Bull light can, almost unavailable in Italy.

When we meet her for the interview with Donna Moderna, she wears jeans and a double striped shirt. Her publicists keep their eyes on her and tell us no personal question, especially those concerning Pattinson, even if she shows off a golden ring on the third finger of her left hand, with black nail varnish. Everything is formal and Kristen seems to be fed up. Later Lautner will tell me they both are always “very nervous” because of the pressure. Honestly, I can’t disagree.
I: One of the most waited scene of Eclipse is the kiss between Bella and Jacob. In the last chapter there was another kiss between Bella and Edward, which won for Best kiss and the Mtv Movie Awards 2009. How do you feel about this?
K:They’re completely different kisses. The one with Edward is like the end of the maturation path of their relationship, a kiss that goes beyond the daze at the beginning, that puts at stake something stronger (since Edward is played by Pattinson, this comment sounds more like autobiographical than cinematic; Ed)
With Jacob is different. He kisses him because she doesn’t want to lose him, it’s a sort of manipulation. But in that moment she understands something she had never realized before, that is he has lots to give her. So you realize that staying with Edward is a choice, not a need.

I: How did it go on set between you guys? Any embarrassment?
K: No. Rob is a good friend, we basically grow up together. And that’s the same with Taylor. This is why we worked really good: you can’t lie with a friend, this is very important when you act.

I: How much do you look like your character?
K: Even if I play her, I don’t think we’re similar physically. We have different eyes and different hair. But I feel linked to Bella because I played her for so much time and also because there’s something very visceral in Meyer’s description which dragged me into her world.

I: In which aspects do you identify with her?
K:I feel like her. Bella is “weird”, in the symbolic sense of the word, but she’s happy with it. She’s always herself.

I: Don’t you think that a woman like her, as a symbol of the romantic hero, is not so topical today?
K: No, I don’t. Because I don’t think Edward Is a hero, and this is what they like about the story. Bella is just a girl in love with a guy she thinks is perfect, the ideal man. It’s normal, it happens to everybody when we fall in love. (she smiles. Her thought seems to be more about her boyfriend Robert than the vampire Edward; Ed)

I: But the Twilight world talks about powers and characters not so normal. What do you think about the supernatural?
K: I always liked the myth. I was intrigued by the fact that old stories could live for so long and that civilizations far from each other could have the same legends. But I don’t believe in the supernatural. I believe people are strange and and between human being there are more deep and complex links than what we’re used to think.

I: I know that the huge fame this character gave you, is giving you some relations problems.
K: Yeah, I actually developed a crazy fear for the crowds, many people together can be dangerous. But there’s something more. When I go somewhere I see people start to elbow and whisper, they have an idea of me, they know me. I realized I won’t ever be a normal girl and go unnoticed again. And this is scares me.


Robert-”Water for Elephants”

torsdag, juli 15th, 2010

Som ni vet så filmar Robert Pattinson just nu filmen ”Water for Elephants” med  Reese Witherspoon.För några dagar sedan filmade de en scen med elefanter.Det fanns så många paparazzi fotografer att de skrämmde djuren.Så fansen som var där och väntade för autografer omkringade fotograferna,och fick dom att sticka därifrån.Det är mig så glad,dumma paparazzi fotografer säger jag.Stackars Rob kan inte komma bort från dom inte ens när han filmar.JÄTTEBRA GJORT FANS!

(Bilden är inte från den dagen)

He tells Telepoche magazine, “(The funniest fan experience) happened while I was filming Water for Elephants in which my partner is Reese Witherspoon. We had a scene with elephants but there were so many paparazzi around that it was scaring the animals and it was impossible to film.

“Out of the blue, fans, that were waiting for autographs, had enough and circled around the paparazzi. Teens made big guys run away. It was unreal! I was pleased.”

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