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Citater av vår egen Kristen Stewart

Jag är ett stort fan av citater,så jag kollade runt och hittade några av mina favorit citater med Kristen Stewart.Så jag tänkte lägga upp dom,ni kanske (som jag)har tröttnat lite på Twilight citater,för att vi har hört och läst dom 1000 gånger nu.Så skrev en kommentar och berätta om hurdan citat du vill ha här på bloggen.Twilight citater eller citater av nån i Eclipse-gänget.

”I am myself for myself and not for anybody else.”

”Sincerity seems to be a problem today. But I prefer to be hated than be false and fool people.” 

I get defensive and that has probably perpetuated people’s idea of me never smiling. I kind of shake my leg too, so people think I’m always uncomfortable.” 

”I hope the paparazzi trip and fall in the snow.” 

”It’s okay to not be okay.” 

”I think it’s ridiculous that you need to look a certain way to be conventionally pretty.” 

”You don’t need to give reasons for the things you do – you just have to do what you want. And sometimes the thing that seems messed up to everyone else is what’s right for you. You have to do it and not be ashamed of it.”


”I think it’s sexy when chicks wear black slouchy trousers — fitted, but slouchy. I look at designer clothes on Rob and I’m like, ‘I want those pants, man.” 

 ”When I was little, I was so confident and comfortable in my own skin. I would say anything to anyone. Then you turn 13 and you’re really inhibited and insecure. But I think as you get older you get more of that confidence back from when you were younger.” 

Vilken citat med Kristen är din favorit?

2 Responses to “Citater av vår egen Kristen Stewart”

  1. annabaanan skriver:

    ”It’s okay to not be okay.”

  2. *TwilightFreakFromFinland* skriver:


    Jag gillar att dom har bytt ut ”Tills Döden Skiljer Oss Åt” till ”Så Länge Vi Båda Andas”

    Det kanske inte är något citat men…

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