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Archive for the ‘andra i TTS’ Category


lördag, augusti 7th, 2010

Dakota Fanning Actresses Kristen Stewart and Dakota Fanning on the set of 'The Runaways' in Los Angeles. Dakota fell and had a big laugh and the girls were seen jumping on a car and kicking over a trash can.

Hittade den här bilden på google,jag kan förstå varför hon ramlade (kolla på skorna) Det var under tiden dom spelade in The Runaways (som är hur bra som helst,älskar även bandet).

Jag tycker att de är kul att se att även kändisar kan skratta när de ramlar,de måste ha gjort ont:S men som tur var hjälpte Kristen henne upp.  //Katrin :D

Vad ska jag kalla dehär?

fredag, augusti 6th, 2010


Ny/Gammal bild på Nikki,Anna & Lizzy!

fredag, augusti 6th, 2010

(Lizzy är Robert Pattinson’s syster)


Söta Xavier Samuel & Ashley Greene!

lördag, juli 31st, 2010

Hur söta? Ohh första rörligabilden är bara för gullig!


Hotness Alert photoshoot med Xavier Samuel

fredag, juli 30th, 2010



Se resten av bilderna här!

kollade på filmen…

torsdag, juli 29th, 2010

Kollade precis på filmen the runaways! Äntligen,jag tyckte den var bra.Ni som inte har sett den måste se den!

Tack Katrin!

This Is Why I Hate Paparazzi!!!

torsdag, juli 29th, 2010

Jag läste någonting på och belv så jäkla arg! Klicka på texten för att läsa och se videon.Den finns under inlägget “This is why we hate paparazzi”! Jag håller starkt med tjejerna det är helt sjukt och jag mår så jäkla dåligt!

Så det blir inga fler bilder från privatlivet.Så jag hoppas att ni läsare förstår varför och att det är okej.För själv mår jag jättedåligt.Särkillt för Robert.

Jag säger som många kändisar har sagt “paparazzi don’t have souls” Det stämmer bra det och FUCK the Papparazzi.




Anna Kendrick på premiären av “Scott Pilgrim vs. the World”

torsdag, juli 29th, 2010

Anna Kendrick at the premiere of “Scott Pilgrim  vs. the World” at Grauman’s Chinese Theatre in  Hollywood - July 27, 2010

Kläningen och skorna hiss eller diss?

Best Of Twilight Unscripted

torsdag, juli 29th, 2010

Jag älskar ”intervjuerna” med Moviefone! Så här kommer de bästa och roligaste av dom.

YouTube Preview Image

P.S glöm inte att skriva ett eller flera citater där under(favorit citater).Det kan vara nån ni bara gillar! 

Jag behöver några bra citater :D

Behind the scene of runaways pic

onsdag, juli 28th, 2010

Jag älskat the runaways musik,de är bara så fantastisk bra! Varje gång jag lyssnar på deras låtar vill jag vara dom-de är så jäkla coola brudar.Men jag har fortfarande inte sett filmen,vart ska jag se den? Så jäkla dåligt att den inte går på bio här i Sverige.Varför gör den inte?Den är säkert mycket bättre  de tråkiga komedi och drama filmer de visar,som folk inte ens bryr sig om.

Vet ni vart man kan se den online? Om ni vet snälla skriv ett kommentar för jag vill verkligen se den!

Teen Choice Awards

fredag, juli 23rd, 2010

Teen Choice Awards närmar sig och såklart kommer Eclipse-castet vara där.Galan kommer äga rum den 9 Augusti *längtar*.Förra året vann twilight mycket så jag håller tumarna att det kommer bli samma sak i år också.Så gå in och rösta på vår twilight-cast och även på andra filmer som The Runaways och Remember Me. Rösta gör du här!

Det är helt gratis att rösta men man måste vara medlem,vilket du kan bli här!

Superenkelt tar bara några minuter så in och rösta på våra snyggingar :)

Jessica Stanley`s Videoblogg

fredag, juli 23rd, 2010

Här är en tjej som heter Jill som har gjort flera videobloggar som Jessica Stanley och Bella Swan.Hon är så grymt bra särskilt som Jessica.Om jag bara hade hört hennes röst skulle jag tro att det var den riktiga Jessica från twilight.Den här är den första videobloggen som Jessica som är från Twilight :) Kolla och kommentera vad ni tycker!

YouTube Preview Image

Tänker… :D

fredag, juli 23rd, 2010

The Runaways söt bild

onsdag, juli 21st, 2010

Intervju om Breaking Dawn *Spoilers*

lördag, juli 17th, 2010

Här kommer en jättebra intervju med Kristen,Robert,Taylor och Peter där de pratar Breaking Dawn.Kristen berättar också hur hon har tänkt sig Bellas bröllops dress.Intervjerna innehåller Spoliers så läs inte om ni inte har läst Så länge vi både andas.


In Breaking Dawn, what do you think Edward’s evolution will be?

Pattinson: I haven’t read it yet! I mean, it’s weird – I’m starting it a month after this job and it’s something I’m quite glad I haven’t read it yet. I didn’t intend to not read it until now, it’s quite exciting. I have no idea, I just heard brief rumors about what happens in the story but I don’t really know what happens at all

Your current haircut is shorter than Edward’s. How are you going to go about getting your long hair back for Breaking Dawn? I’m thinking maybe Edward got a haircut – it might be easier. I didn’t even think about that when I got it cut, that is a bit silly. Vampires can cut their hair though, so I like the idea of Edward having a shaved head in the last one. That [would be] pretty cool.


 How long have you known Breaking Dawn was going to be two films, and have you met with Bill Condon yet? Pattinson: I found out about Breaking Dawn when the press release came out! Bill Condon I met briefly a few weeks ago, kind of by accident just before the MTV Awards, in a bar (laughs). He seemed great. He seemed like a really really nice guy, I haven’t talked to him in detail about anything. But Gods and Monsters is an amazing movie. I think it’s going to be good. I don’t even know where they’re going to shoot it yet or anything.

Taylor Lautner: I do know it will be two, which I am extremely excited about. It is going to be great. Bill Condon is doing both. I it going to be awesome and I can’t wait to work with him.

Since Breaking Dawn will be two movies, do you if one movie will be from your perspective and one will be from Rob’s?


Do you have a clause in your contract saying you have to keep your shirt on? No clause (laughs). Whatever the book says is most likely what we are going to do.


Would you ever do another film where you have to go shirtless again? I mean really, it all comes down to character. If I love the character, I love the story, and the character requires me to be shirtless, or if it requires me to lose thirty pounds, I’m ready to do it.


How do you think you will prepare yourself for the unique, romantic aspects that you will find yourself in? I haven’t started thinking about it too much right now. We are focusing on Eclipse coming out. We are promoting that. Then after that I am focusing on Abduction. Then after that it will be Breaking Dawn. I’m sure as soon as we meet with Bill further down the road, we will go towards that, but that will be interesting.


Do you think the werewolves will go into a musical number? I think he actually already released a statement promising there would be no musical number in it (laughs). It is funny.


Kristen Stewart Yeah, totally – there are a million things. I mean every single time we watch one of the movies, especially when the cast watches it together, it’s always an incredibly frustrating experience. That’s why I’m glad that Breaking Dawn is going to be two movies, which I can finally say. So there’s going to be less of that, less of having to lose stuff. I know you want specific things but I’m trying to think of one now but I can’t.

Now that you’ve done three of these are there things that you wish had made into the movie from the book that didn’t?


How long have you known that Breaking Dawn was going to be two films, and how long will the shoot be? The shoot is going to be something like six months. We start in October. I think we’re not going to be finished until maybe March or something, maybe February. I clearly don’t really look at the schedule. I had to hold onto this forever. They’ve been talking about it for a really long time and we all definitely knew that it was going to be two movies forever now. It’s been really hard not to say that. We’re all really stoked on that.


Is there a scene that you particularly hope makes the movie? There are a million and we haven’t even shot it yet. I can’t wait to see [?] and I can’t wait to get married and have a kid. It’s all of that. It’s going to be crazy.


What designer would love to see design Bella’s wedding dress and if you could dream it up what would it look like?

Well, Stephenie [Meyer] is absolutely in charge of that. I’m sure she has really specific ideas. I haven’t really thought about it. But I feel like Bella would definitely want something like really classic and really simple, too but beautiful. I have no idea in terms of designers.

In an interview with Rob, he said in reference to Breaking Dawn that he wanted to make it rated R and stick to the book. Would you like to stick to the book and bring the rating up or do you think it should be toned down? I guess that everybody interprets those things differently. My guess is that it’ll be PG-13. I have no idea but I guess we’ll all see when it comes out.


Do you see an opportunity in Breaking Dawn, since it’s two films, to create two interpretations of Bella, pre-vampire and post-vampire? Yeah, actually. I really can’t wait to get into that because I’ve been on the outskirts of what it would feel like to play one of them. I had to think about it a lot considering that Bella is dating one of them very seriously. It’s been years of dealing with these issues and I’ve thought about it a lot and I can’t wait to actually be it. It’s going to be a trip. It’s going to be weird and I think she does change a lot. I think she’s going to be the coolest vampire out of all of them. She’s got the greatest power. She’s untouchable. Nothing can touch her and I think that literally she can protect the whole clan. She’s such a mother, too. I think it’ll be awesome to see how much she’s changed from Twilight where she’s this seventeen year old kid who really doesn’t care about whole lot other than herself. To see her become this matriarch will be really cool.


Peter Facinelli I’m looking forward to working with Bill Condon. He’s phenomenal. I’m looking forward to hearing what his thoughts are on the series and the movie. It’s cool because all these different directors have these different interpretations. You don’t get complacent and sit back and go, ”Ok. I know these characters.” They’re always asking you different questions and getting you to think deeper.

What are you most looking forward to doing when you start shooting Breaking Dawn?


Nya outtakes från EW på Bryce och Dakoda

lördag, juli 17th, 2010

Vad kan man säga? Väldigt vackert som vanligt :)

BooBoo Stewart- ”Rainy Day”

fredag, juli 16th, 2010

Booboo Stewart som spelar Seth Clearwater i Eclipse är inte bara skådelspelare utan också musiker.Man kan säga att han var mest känd för att vara musiker och dansare förrän han spelade Seth i Eclipse Han har nu spelat in en ny låt med sin syster Trent eller ”Fivel” som hon kallas,låten heter ”Rainy Day”.

YouTube Preview Image

Vad tycker ni? Själv tyckte jag låten var bra =)

Här en söt bild på BooBoo och ”Fivel”.


 P.S jag blir alltid förvånad när jag får veta att nån i Twilight filmena sjunger,men jag borde inte bli det nu.Alla sjunger ju i Twilight filmerna!!!

Starta ett Twilight-band säger jag igen!


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