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Archive for the ‘Citat’ Category

Dagens citat

tisdag, december 28th, 2010

giveabiitchface:  theperfectedward:  inmyhappyplace:  sammmmmmmm:  gloriousresultsofamisspentyouth:mafiakstew:(via teacupinapril)

Dagens citat

måndag, december 27th, 2010

Her scent hit me like a wrecking ball, like a battering ram. There was no image violent enough to encapsulate the force of what happened to me in that moment. In that instant, I was nothing close to the human I’d once been; no trace of the shreds of humanity I’d managed to cloak myself in remained. I was a predator. She was my prey. There was nothing else in the whole world but that truth.

Edward Cullen, Midnight Sun

Dagens citat

lördag, december 25th, 2010

vanessainpinks:  ohmyfeathers:  (via kristewlovers)   i love this side profile of her ♥

Dagens citat

torsdag, december 23rd, 2010

HÄR är länken till tävlingen där du får chansen att vinna boken Water For Elephants på svenska.

Det kommer komma fler spännande tävlingar, vänta och se ;)

Dagens citat

torsdag, december 16th, 2010

Dagens citat

söndag, december 12th, 2010

Dagens citat

måndag, december 6th, 2010

pattzpassion:  Twilight


söndag, december 5th, 2010

Föredrar ni bildcitat eller spelar det ingen roll ?

Dagens citat

söndag, december 5th, 2010

porrarobsten:  Twilight ♥


lördag, december 4th, 2010

You are going to lose people in your life and I realise that no matter how much time you spent with them, or how much you appreciated them and told them so, it will never seem like it was enough.


lördag, december 4th, 2010

I’m the kind of girl who feels ugly without makeup and when she has a bad hair day her whole day is bad, who is a lot more self conscious then you would think. The girl who hates her own voice and thinks she’s really annoying. The girl who has a huge heart, but gets used a lot. The girl who wants to have real friends but always chooses bad ones. The girl who just wants to be loved by you and accepted unconditionally. But never is.


lördag, december 4th, 2010

I’m tired of people needing a reason for everything they do in their lives.
Do it because you want to. Because it’s fun. Because it makes you happy.


tisdag, november 30th, 2010
When something goes wrong, it’s more important to decide whos going to start fixing things rather than thinking whos to be blamed for it.
Inte twilight citat men, man kan lära sig nåt.


söndag, november 28th, 2010
It’s not who you are that holds you back, it’s who you think you’re not.

Anna om Kristen

lördag, november 27th, 2010

She certainly hasn’t gone and changed on us… She’s the coolest chick you could ever hope to meet. She’s so down to earth, and such a pro.

- Anna Kendrick om Kristen Stewart

Dagens citat

söndag, november 21st, 2010

”It had not been Edward and Jacob that I’d been trying to force together, it was the two parts of myself, Edward’s Bella and Jacob’s Bella.But they could not exist together and I never should have tried”

Dagens citat

söndag, november 14th, 2010

Kristen måste vara den ända tjejen (borde jag kolla henne kvinna? Har så svårt för det,haha) som jag har kollat på och tänk ” Hon är så vacker, helt perfekt!” Hon är helt perfekt – inte bara hennes utseende,allt hon säger och gör är bara otroligt. Jag bara älskar henne, för den hon är. Även om hur är en tjej som säger fuck och pekar fuckyou. Även om hon pekar fuckyou till Rob. Även om hon hatar att gå runt i klackskor. Även om hon hatar uppmärksamhet och att gå på röda mattan. Även om jag är avundsjuk på henne.  Hon är bara sig själv och har båda fötterna på jorden. Det gör att jag ÄLSKAR henne. Sure, kalla mig läbb nu -

I don’t give a fuck :)

Dagens citat

torsdag, november 11th, 2010

This is mine, i made it… if you like it you could of asked or just reblogged it… thanks! 

- Remember Me, Taylor.


Dagens citat

tisdag, november 9th, 2010

(via xmisstwilight)

Dagens citat

lördag, november 6th, 2010

Dagens citat

torsdag, november 4th, 2010

robsessedspain:  Oh Eddie

Dagens citat

tisdag, november 2nd, 2010

(via paintedghost)

Citat som fanns med i boken men tyvärr inte i filmen. Älskade verkligen den delen…

Dagens citat

söndag, oktober 31st, 2010

Skapa din egna professionella hemsida med inbyggd blogg på