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Archive for the ‘Intervju’ Category

Robert,Kristen och Taylor i Entertainment Weekly

torsdag, juni 24th, 2010


                         I have to say it’s fucking gorgeous!

ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: One scene fans have been dying to see takes place in the tent during the snowstorm. Jacob warms up Bella with his body because Edward is cold-blooded and can’t do it himself.
LAUTNER: The tent scene is probably my favorite, because it’s the first time Edward and Jacob are actually able to connect and understand each other.

How many takes did you go through to get that scene?
Two days originally to film it, and then a full day of reshoots.

PATTINSON: [The director] wanted it to be more erotic. Seriously.
STEWART: It’s true. In the book there’s a serious sexual tension. As I’m sleeping, Jacob is staring over my vulnerable body, and he’s naked in this f- – -ing sleeping bag because you heat up faster that way, and Jacob and Edward are leveling with each other.

Taylor, you and Rob have some pretty serious confrontations in this movie.
LAUTNER: Some of those scenes were pretty hard for me. I think we ruined a couple of takes in front of the house and in the tent. It’s just, I don’t know, I have a hard time looking at him…
STEWART: Ha! “I have such a hard time looking at him”!
LAUTNER: [Laughs] I wasn’t finished. He and I were thisclose to each other — we are literally, like, an inch away — and we’re screaming at each other.
STEWART: And about to kiss…
LAUTNER: A couple of moments it felt like that.
PATTINSON: Every single time we had to do a threatening thing to each other — for one thing, you always have your shirt off, and so in the tent scene I literally grabbed your breast. And it’s very difficult to remain in the moment. Also, in that tent scene, I can’t really get over the fact that the word thought sounds like fart.
STEWART: The word thought does not sound like fart.
STEWART: Maybe because you are an English person.
PATTINSON: The opening line of that scene is “Can you at least keep your farts to yourself?” I couldn’t quite get over that.


Moviefone med Kellan,Ashley och Nikki

onsdag, juni 23rd, 2010
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Jay Leno show-Emma Roberts

fredag, juni 18th, 2010

 Jag vill inte säga nåt,men jag älskar Robs svar.Det där hon sa i slutet med Rob var absolut otrevligt,även om hon skojade verkade hon mena det hon sa.

Nån mer som är Team Edward all the way?

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Intervju med Kellan,Ashley och Jackson

onsdag, juni 16th, 2010

Jag hoppas att Kellan skämtade där om dogfood,Jacksons humor är så gullig :P

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Rob on Leno show

onsdag, juni 16th, 2010

Intervjun är verkligen bra och man får se Robs mamma och pappa.

Hur gullig och rolig är inte Rob?Rena drömmen…

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Extra intervju med Kristen

onsdag, juni 16th, 2010
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Kristen,Taylor och Robert pratar om Eclipse

tisdag, juni 15th, 2010

Fan vad jag älskar när Kristen pratar om frågan hon är trött på..älskar hennes röst också,undrar vem hon härmade med rösten.

Fan va älskar hennes sätt att vara!

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Nya intervjuer med Taylor,Kristen och Robert

måndag, juni 14th, 2010
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Intervju med David Slade

torsdag, juni 10th, 2010

(innehåller små eclipse scener)

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Ashton Kutcher talks Rob

lördag, juni 5th, 2010

Hahah,här pratar Ashton Kutcher om Robert Pattinson.Den är verkligen roligt.Men kolla och bedöm själv.

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Jag har alltid gillat hans skämt.

Taylor och Kristen pratar om Robert

lördag, juni 5th, 2010
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Intervju med Jodelle Ferland(Bree)

fredag, juni 4th, 2010


You have been acting since you were a little girl, what was the first project you remember filming?
“I’m not exactly sure. I remember little bits of different projects I did when I was really young, but the first one that comes to mind would be a Pedialyte commercial I did when I was about 3 years old. I only had one line, it was, “More Pedialyte, please!” and I held out a little cup with a big smile on my face. I remember that one really distinctly for some reason…I guess I must’ve had fun on set.”
 What has been your favorite project so far?
That’s a really tough one! Most people would assume my favorite is ECLIPSE, but I’m not sure if that’s what I’d pick, actually. I did a TV movie called CELINE a few years ago, where I played a young Celine Dion. It was really fun, and I had such a great time filming. I didn’t actually get to sing in it, but that’s still one of my favorites so far.
 How were you inspired to become an actress?
Well, since I started acting when I was 2 years old, I wasn’t really “inspired”. My brother and sister used to do acting, and honestly, I don’t even remember, but apparently I found it very interesting! My mom took me to the agency and I started out with commercials…and now here I am today.

 What has been a type of character you haven’t gotten to play yet, that you hope to?
Hmm…I’ve already done so many! Dead girl, check. Vampire, check. Evil clone, check. Princess/Queen, check. Normal girl, check (that’s not much fun though). I don’t think I’ve ever done a crazy girl. It might be fun to mix it up a little, right?
Who has been your favorite person to work with?
Probably Renee Zellweger, though I don’t like picking favorites. I did CASE 39 with her. She’s one of the nicest people I’ve ever met. Most of our scenes in the movie were with each other, and I really enjoyed spending time with her. She’s such a generous person. We really got along well, and I’d love to have the opportunity to work with her again.
With all the hype about Eclipse, do you think new doors will be open for you in the acting world?
I don’t think it’s possible for somebody to be in a movie as big as ECLIPSE and not have their career change. There are definitely more doors opening for me. TWILIGHT is a name that pretty much the whole world recognizes, and it’s basically the best possible thing to have on the top of my resume. Not that I didn’t have anything good on it before, but something about THE TWILIGHT SAGA: ECLIPSE  just looks impressive.

What was it like working with Kristen Stewart, Dakota Fanning and Robert Pattinson?
Amazing! It was so much fun. You never know whether celebrities are going to be really nice or complete snobs (but most of them are nice) so it’s always reassuring to know that they haven’t let their fame get to their heads. I was a little nervous meeting them, but once I got to know everybody, that wore off, and I didn’t really think of them as celebrities anymore. I really enjoyed being able to meet and spend time with the whole ECLIPSE cast. I’ve actually worked with Kristen before, on THE MESSENGERS, but that was before the whole Twilight/Bella thing happened. It was great to work with her again. It’s too bad I’m not in BREAKING DAWN! But I’m not complaining. The fact that I got to be in ECLIPSE is amazing.

 Have you read the TWILIGHT SAGA books before you found out about ECLIPSE?
I think I was just finishing the BREAKING DAWN book when I got called for the Bree audition. I loved the series, it was absolutely fantastic. I’m a total bookworm, and I just can’t put a book down once I start reading it. Especially a good book. So I didn’t get much sleep while I was reading the TWILIGHT series. I can honestly read until 5 o’clock in the morning if I’m really into the book. Probably later, if I wasn’t afraid that I’d fall asleep while eating breakfast.
Aside from ECLIPSE, do you have any other projects coming soon that we should look out for?
I’m going to be really busy this year…I’ll be doing quite a lot of traveling for ECLIPSE publicity. Basically all year long. In between that, I’m filming a movie called MIGHTY FINE with Chazz Palminteri, as well as a short film called MONSTER and a TV movie called ICE QUAKE.
 If you weren’t an actress, what would you want to do?
I don’t know exactly. I’m into entertainment and art. Since I’m already in the entertainment business, I guess I’d be an artist. I really enjoy painting, drawing and pretty much anything else that involves creativity.

MTV:s intervju med Kristen och Taylor

torsdag, juni 3rd, 2010

(bilden är inte från intervjun)

MTV: Tell us what fans can expect from the third ‘Twilight’ movie ‘Eclipse?
It definitely steps it up in terms of action. There’s more of it going on, less within the dynamics of the characters and more about the introduction of newborns and the volturi comeback. There’s more danger, there’s much more at risk.

MTV: Twilight is so huge, what’s it like being involved with such a phenomenon?
Kristen: For me it’s been so different from anything I thought I’d ever be a part of. I’ve always said that I never wanted to do a TV series because it’s too long, it’s too much of a commitment, it’s too structured. But it’s actually the coolest thing to be able to follow a character for so long. Because at the end of most movies I feel like I’m ripped away from a project but in this case it’s so indulgent, it’s like I get months to work on just one character and then I get to do it again next year, its really cool.

MTV: What do you think you’d be doing if you weren’t in ‘Twilight’?
Kristen: I have no idea.

MTV: We hear you’ve seen some tourist attractions including Featherdale Wildlife Park since you’ve been in Oz. How was that?
Taylor: It was really good.
Kristen: Yeah it was incredible! You cant believe like a wallaby hops in and u can pick them up and put them in your pouch, it just doesn’t seem real.

MTV: If you came across the ‘Harry Potter’ cast would there be any rivalry between you?
Taylor: (Laughs) I don’t think so, I’m a fan of those movies.
Kristen: I am too. The books came out when I was pretty young so I’ve read them.
Taylor: I haven’t met them though.
Kristen: Neither have I. But Rob is one of them, kind of, and he really likes them, he speaks highly of them.

MTV: If you could be a werewolf or a vampire in real life, which would you be?
Taylor: If I had to choose to be a vampire or a werewolf in real life, which is an unfortunate situation, I’d probably have to stick with being a werewolf.
Kristen: I’d be a werewolf too. There’s just so many less problems.

MTV: So you don’t want to live forever?
Kristen: Nope, definitely not!

MTV: You’re up for ‘Best Kiss’ and ‘Global Superstar’ at the MTV Movie Awards. Do you think you’ll win?
Kristen: Well I think me and Dakota are going to take it for Best Kiss for sure.
Taylor: Yesss!
Kristen: That would be so funny and awesome.
Taylor: That would be hilarious. I don’t think that’s ever happened before. Girl on girl or guy on guy winning it at the MTV Movie Awards.
Kristen: No I don’t think so either so that would be cool.
Taylor: We’ll see. It’s an honour to be nominated.

MTV: The ‘Eclipse’ soundtrack is pretty epic, but what is your personal favourite song from a movie?
Taylor: I’d have to say that Amy Adams song in Enchanted.
Kristen: (Laughs) I love u so much. Will u marry me? Seriously.

MTV: The series finale of ‘Jersey Shore’ has just aired on MTV Australia. Are you a fan of the show?
Kristen: I haven’t seen it, but I know people make fun of people with it, like ‘you’re like him from Jersey Shore,’ apparently it’s bad.

MTV: One of the characters The Situation is famous for his abs. Taylor do you reckon yours are better than his?
Taylor: (Laughs) Probably not, but I guess I’d have to see them.
Kristen: Ohh they’re better!


Intervju med The Hillywood show

onsdag, juni 2nd, 2010

ClevverTV har gjort en intervju med ”The Hillywood show” och dom har gjort Twilight och New Moon parodier.Tjejerna är verkligen jätte smarta.De har t.o.m åkt till Forks för att filma,och använt Bellas RIKTIGA BIL!Det ska bli roligt att se när som gör Eclipse parodi.

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Behind the scenes

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Intervju med Xaiver Samuel (Riley)

onsdag, juni 2nd, 2010

Jag har hittat en intervju med Xaiver Samuel (Riley).Han har blivit intervjuvad  via telefon när han kör på Berlins (Tysklands huvudstad) gator.



Xavier, you’re calling from Europe, I understand. Whereabouts?
I’m driving in a black-tinted car on the streets of Berlin.


That’s how you roll?
This is how I roll, man!


Nice. You’re in Berlin shooting—wait for it—a Roland Emmerich movie about Shakespeare. Is this the same Roland Emmerich who did Independence Day and 2012? Please tell me the Rose Theatre blows up at the end of this one.
No, but there is a lot of green screen, a lot of special effects. They’re really re-creating the London from that time. It’s going to be quite visually spectacular. I play the Earl of Southampton. He’s one of the only people that Shakespeare ever dedicated his work to.


So is Shakespeare gay in this movie?
There’s a lot of speculation about that. Historically, some scholars have theorized that Southampton was Shakespeare’s lover. But the film is about the authorship of the plays—who actually wrote them.


Who was it, then?
Maybe the Earl of Oxford. In this film, Shakespeare was some illiterate actor who was putting his name to plays he didn’t even write. It’s a thriller.


Speaking of thrillers: You’re on the poster for the new Twilight film, Eclipse. How did this happen?
I did the audition from Sydney. I put the audition down on tape and sent it over.


Actors are always putting themselves on tape. But they never actually get the role that way!
I’ve been doing that for quite a while—doing these auditions from Australia and sending them out. I don’t know whose desk they land on, or if anyone even watches them. To hear back was a surprise. I flew to Vancouver on a maybe. It was me and

four other guys. And I was shooting before I knew it.


Were you a fan of the Twilight series? Tell the truth.
I watched the first film on the plane, on the way over to Vancouver. Then I went straight to the bookstore.


Funny. You play Riley, a hungry newborn vampire out on a rampage. Full disclosure: I read the book, and Riley’s only on one page.
Yes, I was flipping through the book, thinking: Where’s Riley? He’s whittled down to one line. But in the film, we venture into the world of Riley and watch him assembling this newborn army. It’s more action-packed. And it gives me something more to do, thankfully.


Do you get to inflict much damage on the world?
There was no neck biting. I threw a vampire off of a burning car. I also threw a massive log with one hand. The log was attached to a hydraulic system. It made me look really strong.


Is it hard to be the new kid in a franchise like this?
It is a bit like the first day of school. But I felt like part of the family.


Most of your scenes are with Bryce Dallas Howard—who plays the villain, Victoria. She was also new to the Twilight family. Did that help?
We bonded quite early. We just kind of hit it off from the very beginning, rehearsed a lot of stuff, and talked about this almost Lady Macbeth kind of relationship.


You’re intellectualizing Twilight.
You see that Shakespeare reference I just made? [laughs] But she manipulates him in that way.


I’m impressed. How was the green-screen work? Obviously you’re not fighting wolves.
The director would yell Action! and this guy puts a stick in your face. That stick is the wolf. They didn’t teach that at drama school. I must have been sick that day.


Last question: You’re one of many Australians working in Hollywood. Do you all know one another?
We have cult meetings at midnight, somewhere near the Hollywood sign

Fan event i Australien-Kristen och Taylor

måndag, maj 31st, 2010
 Kristen Stewart och Taylor Lautner har precis haft ett fan event i Luna Park i Sydney, Australien.Vi får hoppas att det blir lika härligt när de kommer till Sverige! Här är några  intervjuer och bilder från Australien.
Jag älskar hennes outfit
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People magazines speciella nummer!

tisdag, maj 25th, 2010

Nu har People Magazine släppt ett speciellt nummer som bara handlar om Twilight/Eclipse.Tidningen är jättebra med många bilder på Eclipse cast.I tidingne kommer det också  finnas smink tips,sno stillen,om skådisarnas olika  frisyrer och mycket information.Tidningen är säkert köpvärd!

Intervju med Charlie Bewley(Demetri)

tisdag, maj 25th, 2010

Seventeen Magazine har gjort en intervju med Charlie Bewley.Den är kort och bra.

Charlie spelar Demetri

Små fakta

Visste du att Charlie är från England,London,som Robert?

Att han är född 25 januari 1981(29 år)?

Att han har en yngre bror?

Who is your celebrity crush?
Isabel Lucas.

What’s the girl fashion trend that confuses the heck out of you?
I kind of like women’s stuff. It has guts, which male fashion lacks.

What’s the chick flick you secretly love?
The Notebook — I cry every time (lie).

What’s your TV guilty pleasure?
I don’t watch TV now, but the most horrible thing I over-watched was Big Brother, in retrospect.

Who would play you in the movie version of your life?
Robert Pattinson.

What’s your dream job?
To be James Bond.

If you could trade places with anyone in the world for one day, who would it be?
Cristiano Ronaldo or Shaun White.

Who in your family are you closest to?
My sister right now — it goes in rotation.

What’s your favorite Web site?

What’s the fast food you can’t live without?
Popcorn right now…if that counts.

What’s your worst habit?
Being brutally honest — leaving ”the filter” at home.

What’s the last song you listened to on your iPod?
Mylène Farmer, ”C’est Dans L’air.”

What’s the last thing you bought?
5 gallons of metallic gold paint.

What did you dream about last night?
My ex — ugh.

How much money is in your wallet right now?
$5,000. Do you know where I left it?

Fill in the blank: When I was 17, I was ________.
Out of control.

Nikki Reed on Ellen

torsdag, maj 20th, 2010

Nikki Reed har precis fyllt 22 år och dagen hon fyllde år var hon på Ellen Show.Hon är så gullig och rolig.

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Robert pattinson on Ellen show

onsdag, maj 19th, 2010

Här är det en Sneak peek på intervjun Robert Pattinson gjode hos Ellen show.Det ska bli kul att se hela intervjun.

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Ja,Rob har klippt sig.        Snyggt eller inte?


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Önskar att jag var hon…


USA Today har en ny intervju med Eclipse cast

tisdag, maj 18th, 2010

USA Today har en ny intervju med Rob,Kris och Taylor.Dom är så snygga på bilderna(Som vanligt).

 Jag kan tyvärr inte lägga ut adressen där ni kan läsa intervjun,för den är jätte lång,men ni kan läsa den på


Kristen stewart intervju

måndag, maj 17th, 2010

En tjej som hete Maja ville ha ett intervju med Kristen Stewart och jag har hittat några intervju som jag gillar.

Interview Magazine,Intervju med Kristen.

HOPPER: Well, you’re getting a lot of attention.

STEWART: Yeah, it’s weird. There’s an idea about who I am that’s eternally projected onto me, and then I almost feel like I have to fulfill that role. Even when things come out of my mouth, I want to be sure I’m saying exactly what I mean. All I’m thinking of is the fact that everything that I say is going to be criticized—not criticized, just evaluated and analyzed. And it’s always something that matters so much to me that doesn’t come out right. But in terms of how my life has changed, I never really went out a whole lot before. I’m sort of an in-my-head kind of person. I wish I could take more walks . . .


HOPPER: You can’t take walks?

STEWART: I’d like to take more walks after work, instead of having to come back to my hotel room and not leave. So it can be boring. I’ve been working as an actress since I was very young, and I know a lot of people who are actors who don’t have to deal with having a persona . . . You know, if you look up the word persona, it isn’t even real. The whole meaning of the word is that it’s made up, and it’s like I didn’t even get to make up my own. It can be annoying. But I have a really strong feeling that this is going to go away, that this is the most intense it’s going to get—and could get—and that it’s fleeting. So in a few years, I will hopefully become more like the people I want to become like.


HOPPER: Does it bother you to see yourself in the tabloids?


STEWART: There’s nothing you can do about it, to be honest. I don’t leave my hotel room—literally, I don’t. I don’t talk to anybody about my personal life, and maybe that perpetuates it, too. But it’s really important to own what you want to own and keep it to yourself. That said, the only way for me not to have somebody know where I went the night before is if I didn’t go out at all. So that’s what I’m trading. It depends what mood I’m in. Some nights, I think, “You know what? I don’t care. I’m just going to do what I want to do.” Then the next day I think, “Ugh.Now everyone thinks I’m going out to get the attention.” But it’s like, no, I actually, for a second, thought that maybe I could be like a normal person.


 Intervju med Elle

On the madness that has become her life: “It’s insane! Once somebody finds out, you have to get the hell out of wherever you are. People freak out. And the photographers, they’re vicious. They’re mean. They’re like thugs. I don’t event want to drive around by myself anymore. It’s fucking dangerous.”

On her loss of privacy: “Somebody knocked on my hotel room door and asked for a light, then said that they were a big fan. I was like, ‘Do you really need me to light your cigarette? How do you know what room I’m in?’ I can’t be by myself and I like being by myself.”

On criticism of her public manner: “I think it’s funny that when I go onstage to accept an award, they think I’m nervous, uncomfortable, and awkward — and I am — but those are bad words for them.”

On her red-carpet demeanor: “People say that I’m miserable all the time. It’s not that I’m miserable, it’s just that somebody’s yelling at me… I literally, sometimes, have to keep myself from crying… It’s a physical reaction to the energy that’s thrown at you.”

On caring: “I hate it when they say I don’t give a shit, because nobody cares more than I do. I’m telling you I don’t know anybody who does this that gives a shit more than I do.”

On Team Edward vs. Team Jacob: “I would never cheapen my relationships by talking about them. People say, ‘Just say who you’re dating. Then people will stop being so ravenous about it.’ It’s like, No they won’t! They’ll ask for specifics.”

Hoppas du,Maja och ni andra gillade intervjuerna med Kristen.


Eclipse cast Oprah show intervju

fredag, maj 14th, 2010

Jippi, Intervjun hos Oprah show har kommit ut! Intervjun är jättebra,så kolla nedan:

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Jag älskar Roberts humor

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Del 5

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Intervju backstage

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